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Jovan Eco Hause | Shop

You adopt an orange tree in our Orange Eco Land farm. You will be able to watch it grow through photos in your user area and receive your orange harvest at home. 


We grow oranges in eclological way on demand and send them straight from the tree to your home without post-harvest treatment and without going through cooling chambers.


How it works ?

  1. Pay for first year adoption 
  2. Write your wish name of tree
  3. We gona install the signboard wit name on tree or you can come and doing yourself
  4. We will send you photo of your tree
  5. During year you will get photos how the tree grow.
  6. Friut are Including in the adoption, we will harvest and send direct to your home. 


Our Shipping shedule:

Orange - two times a year 20kg in April or/and 20kg in begining of December

Clementines - one time a year 30 kg in December 

Lemon - any time 20 kg in year


You will be able change shedulle delivery in system as your wish and amout. (notice that august-december is out of seeson, the orange are not ready). We have wood boxes 5kg, 10 kg, 20 kg.


Shipping is a addional cost and depending of your orgin adress.

Usually shipping in EU cost bettwen 15-25 euro, Portugal 5-12 euro 


You can stop adpotion any time ( minimum is one year)

You are able to visiting your tree any time and harvest yousef. 

Of case you wish stay overnight during visiting we offer Glamping tents on the farm. (separate cost) 


Thanks to the adoptions we can finance manteince cost and the regenerative practices, planting new trees that we are introducing to preserve the natural ecosystems.

Adopt Orange tree

Price Options
Long term adopting
€80.00every year until canceled
  • Minimum adopting is a one year and you can cancel any time before starting the next cycle. You will still get the whole harvest but you will lose the tree. Partial returns for half cycle etc. are not accepted. upon request, you can receive a sign with the tree's name sent to your address. 

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